Comprehensive Lifestyle Systems.

Our courses will allow you to:

- Achieve Single Digit Body Fat %
- Gain Superhuman Strength
Skyrocket Attractiveness

Become fastr in 84 days or less (money back guarantee).

Level up now.

“Everything in your nutrition philosophy was useful to me. It changed the way I interacted with food. Now my lifts and physique have dramatically improved.”


"My 1 year transformation living the fastr lifestyle. Everything you guys preach is so accurate, it is genuinely insane how much my life changed by getting into this shape."


"Big thanks to fastr for completely changing the metbaolic efficiency of my body, anyone who does this method for a period of time is guaranteed to supercharge their health."


"I spent years trying to get lean, starving myself, temporarily losing weight, then gaining it all back again. Now I eat like a king and stay shredded effortlessly."


"For years I struggled to put on muscle without the right knowledge at my disposal. With the help of Axel and the guys at fastr I feel i've cracked the code."


"I have always fluctuated between cycles of endless cutting and bulking, never quite seeing the results I wanted. The fastr Method showed me there is an entirely different approach."


"After years of trying different programs, finally I have found something that packs on muscle ! The lifting protocol took my physique to new heights."


"After years of trying different programs, finally I have found something that packs on muscle ! The lifting protocol took my physique to new heights."


"The fastr method helped me lose over 80 pounds and become much healthier and more athletic. I've learned so much about fitness on this journey, and i'm not finished yet!"

Anti Fitness, Fitness. Trust the process.

The fastr Method is designed to challenge your beliefs and provide you with a new way of looking at fitness, nutrition, work, and lifestyle. Each program is designed to achieve your physical potential, while emphasizing the importance of sustainable routines and an enjoyable process. Building the body you want, and the lifestyle you want, should be enjoyable;

The truth is everything you desire is already inside of you, you already are the person you want to become, you just need to learn how to unlock your potential. The fastr Method gives you everything you need to achieve your goals.

The fastr Method

“Everything in your nutrition philosophy was useful. I used to be a slave to my hunger and cravings, intermittent fasting changed that. Now my physique has dramatically improved.”


"My 1 year transformation living the fastr lifestyle. Everything you guys preach is so accurate, it is genuinely insane how much my life changed by getting into this shape."


"The VIP coaching has been on of the most comprehensive products I've found in any industry. I focus on my work and my family and Axel streamlines all facets of my health for me."


"I spent years trying to get lean, starving myself, temporarily losing weight, then gaining it all back again. Now I eat like a king and stay shredded effortlessly."


"For years I struggled to put on muscle without the right knowledge at my disposal. With the help of Axel and the guys at fastr I feel i've cracked the code."


"I have always fluctuated between cycles of endless cutting and bulking, never quite seeing the results I wanted. The fastr Method showed me there is an entirely different approach."


"THIS SHIT WORKS MAGIC. Who could have thought getting shredded would be this simple, follow the fastr method and reap the benefits."


"Big thanks to fastr for completely changing the metbaolic efficiency of my body, anyone who does this method for a period of time is guaranteed to supercharge their health."


"The fastr method helped me lose over 80 pounds and become much healthier and more athletic. I've learned so much about fitness on this journey, and i'm not finished yet!"

The fastr Method.

The fastr Method is a 9 week program that has transformed over 2110+ men into the 1% of physiques. This is without question the fastest growing fitness/lifestyle program available today.

Would you change your life for $49.99?
Starting at $29.99


If you have 15-30 pounds of body fat to lose this will be the most effective program on the market today for you.

Optimization Journal

Create Fat Loss Without Aggressive Calorie Deficits

Entirely Intuitive Approach = No tracking

Access To The fastr Community

12 Week Training Protocol

Revolutionary Walking System

30+ Modules

Level up.
Starting at $49.99

fastr METHOD

This program is designed to enhance every aspect of the physical body. Reach your genetic potential for muscle mass and achieve lasting metabolic + hormonal efficiency.

Optimization Journal

Complete Lifting, Nutrition, and Lifestyle Framework

Strength Focused Training Protocol

Access To The fastr Community

Complete Guide to Fasting

Nutrition Philosophy + Meal Skeletons

35+ Modules

Level up.
Starting at $119.99


The executive program is a fitness, nutrition and lifestyle protocol that is designed for real people with real life obligations.

Adaptation Guide

Ideal For Those With Busy Work Lives

Build Your Customized Training Protocol

Philosophy For Busy Work Life/Health Balance

Executive Commandments

Intuitive Nutrition Approach

30+ Modules

Level up.

Starting at $995

If you are extremely serious about achieving life changing results, you can apply for our VIP coaching program.

This will be 100% customized program programming tailored to your needs, and you will get 1 on 1 coaching from the founder of the fastr method.

DEXA Scan + Bloodwork Detailing

Intensive progressive overload monitoring

Completely personalized lifting and nutrition protocols to match your genetic composition

Weekly calls with a fastr executive and full time consulting to streamline your health

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Level Up
VIP Coaching

Intuitive Health Systems

Learn about how our formula can completely transform your physical fitness and mental health

Limited Spots Available

The amount of clients we take on is highly variable as we focus on delivering the best service possible

Let our founder break it down

The fastr method is the blueprint for mastering your physique. It will teach you how to:

Lose fat without starving yourself; through extended catabolic states.

Dramatically increase your strength.

Achieve a powerful, lean, and attractive physique without having to become obsessed with the gym.

Develop the proper mindset required to actually achieve your goals.

Work with me
Here’s everything included in

The fastr Method:

fastr Lifestyle

Start Course
Start Course
Start Course
Metabolic Maintenance
Start Course

fastr Nutrition

Start Course
Start Course
Intermittent Fasting
Start Course
Start Course
Supplementation + Vitamins
Start Course
Holistic Mentality
Start Course
5 fastr Principles
Start Course
Calorie Reduction Mistake
Start Course
Daily Skeletons
Start Course
Final Words
Start Course

fastr Lifting

Start Course
Start Course
Split #1: Complement
Start Course
Split #2: Shock
Start Course
Split #3: Link
Start Course

Complement (Weeks A + B + C)

Shoulders + Legs
Start Course
Back + Biceps
Start Course
Chest + Triceps
Start Course
Core Work
Start Course

Shock (Weeks D + E + F)

Legs + Traps
Start Course
Chest + Back
Start Course
Shoulders + Arms
Start Course
Core Work
Start Course

Link (Weeks G + H + I)

Shoulders + Back + Triceps
Start Course
Legs + Core
Start Course
Chest + Biceps + Rear Delts
Start Course
Core Work
Start Course

fastr Neck Training

Neck Tutorial
Start Course

fastr Tracker

Optimization Journal
Start Course

The Fire Rises.
2110+ men transformed.

The fastr Method has helped over 2110+ men transform their bodies by:

Showing them they can eat what they love, and not out of tupperware containers or calculating what they eat

Getting them to lift hard only a few days per week, not be in the gym for hours on end. And most importantly, teaching them the mindset they need to achieve their goals, while enjoying life and having fun.

Learn about The fastr Method


Our philosophy is known to cause a grotesque level of development.
Stop scrolling if you’re not willing to take development seriously.

fastr VLOGs coming soon...

Get in shape fastr.

On the fastr method you will achieve your goals in the fastest timeline that is sustainable. Expect to drop pounds of fat a week (depending how much you have to lose) and put on noticeable muscle in weeks time.

Join the movement

Lose Weight Without Tracking

Delete myfitnesspal off your phone and never look back when you join the fastr method. We teach you a new style of eating that is more enjoyable and less obsessive. The style of eating is inspired by our ancestors, specifically of Greek (Spartan) heritage.

No Cardio

There is absolutely no need for you to spend a single second on a treadmill on the fastr method. While we encourage you to get aerobic exercise (playing sports, hiking, getting outside) it has nothing to do with needing to do cardio to lose weight. We will get you to single digit bodyfat without any cardio.

Zero Risk

With our money back guarantee if the program isn't right for you you can get your money back, but we are extremely confident you are going to be very happy you made this investment to improve your health, physique and overall wellbeing.

Why Should You Join The fastr method Now...

Getting into incredible shape can be simple...

I didn't say it was easy, in fact at times it's damn hard.

But the truth is the method you have to follow to get into amazing shape isn't complicated. We have created a program that is 100% focused on sustainability, and designed for the every day man to follow and enjoy.

If you take one thing away from reading this page I want it to be this:

Getting into amazing shape and changing your life does not have to be a sacrifice.

I want to teach you how to create the body of your dreams and have fun every step of the way. Spend less time in the gym, and less time obsessing about food. This is the way it was meant to be, and I want you to be a part of it.


same you, but fastr

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same you, but fastr

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fastr METHOD

same you, but fastr

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fastr VIP

same you, but fastr

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